mandag 22. desember 2008

Funniest Man Alive

If you need some meaning in your life; this is THE blog: Ricky Gervais

Ricky about himself:
"Something of a late-starter, at least in terms of comedy, Ricky is well aware that his chosen route to success whilst preferable, was certainly not typical.

Born in Reading in the early sixties, he made it to university in London where he breezed his way through to a degree in philosophy. After a brief career in a pop band he dallied with the odd job here and there making ends meet before a longish stint running the entertainments at a students' union.

The long years of discos, pub quizzes and guitar bands were punctuated with brief dabblings in the music business. He managed a band called Suede for a bit (walking away shortly before they were signed), promoted a Queen tribute band and generally bothered music industry types with his unfocussed ambitions.

Following that came a portentous appointment with the then fledgling and unlicenced radio station Xfm. It was here that Ricky took on a new assitant, Stephen Merchant, who would later become co-writer/director of 'The Office'.

Although Ricky wasn't hired to be a broadcaster, he quite fancied giving it a go and a nightly programme was slotted into the schedule ready for the station's proper launch on 1 September 1997 (not the best choice of dates as it turned out).

Five nights a week plus the day-job is clearly too much for anyone to manage. And all that talking to do in between records? Obviously you need at least one other person involved to share the burden. So a lone late-night ten-hours became 120 minutes on a Sunday afternoon chatting to a mate. "I'm Ricky Gervais... obviously. With me; Steve Merchant". They've been doing it off and on ever since.
In 1998, Xfm was aquired by Capital Radio and format changes to Xfm saw Ricky free to explore his comedy talents in other media. A bit of sketch writing here and there, popping up on Radio 1 every so often, followed by first appearances on the TV;

Ricky wrote and starred in a one-off called 'Golden Years' about a businessman who is obsessed with becoming a David Bowie lookalike. Remember, write about what you know.

'The 11 O'Clock Show' - a topical comedy magazine series. Ricky adopts the persona of a half-knowledgable biggot to drop in on the regular team of presenters. An outrageous and refreshingly funny foil to the satirical Oxbridge pretentions of the show itself.

'Meet Ricky Gervais' came hot on the heels of Ricky's popularity in the 11 O'Clock Show. Concieved as a chat show with games, the structure mainly served to allow Ricky the opportunity to say rude words, make guests say rude words and make it all official by virtue of the fact that it was being shown on TV. That said, a running gag filmed and written by Ricky and Stephen Merchant as links between ad breaks showed a glimpse of what was to come.

The show finished in October 2000, but Ricky and Steve had already been developing their ideas for an office-based mock documentary, and months if not years of work would come to fruition on 9 July 2001 when the BBC aired the first episode of 'The Office'.

Twelve episodes and a two-part Christmas special later and The Office is consigned to broadcasting history as one of the most perfectly crafted comedy series in British TV ever. Showered with awards and critical acclaim the series' pivotal creation David Brent became a household name and so, of course, did Ricky.
Perhaps slightly embarrassed by the accolades and not having earned his comedy spurs by years of telling jokes to drunks in smoky bars up and down the country, Ricky put together a stand-up show to while away the evenings away from home during filming. The resulting tour, encompassing at least two theatres within a mile radius of his house, was a smash and must have dispelled any lingering doubts about doing live work as he's followed the 'Animals' show this year with a new show entitled 'Politics'. And it was a proper UK tour this time too with shows in as many as six places outside London.

With seven and a half hours of The Office produced in a three year period you wouldn't think there'd be time enough for anything else would you? But you'd be wrong of course. Voice-overs in ads, animated films and the like, small parts in films - generally for mates, a cameo role in an American TV series called 'Alias' plus regular appearances on top chat shows like 'Parkinson' and 'Friday Night With Jonathan Ross'. He even found time to take part in a four-week training regime culminating with him beating a minor celebrity in a televised boxing match.

In the run-up to Christmas this year, Ricky will be busy telling us about his new book - 'Flanimals'. Ostensibly aimed at younger readers, but the richness of the illustrations and the inventiveness of the text give it universal appeal.

DVDs of the Politics show and The Office Specials are also out for Christmas so expect to see lots of cardboard cut-outs of Ricky in stores over the next few weeks.

After that it'll be full steam ahead for 'Extras', his new TV series - more about that to come.

One last thing - many online biographies make reference to Ricky having worked as a pizza deliveryman. Just to put record straight, Ricky has not ever delivered a pizza... eaten, yes. Lots. Too many probably. But delivered them? Never."

photo credit: Ellis Parrinder

fredag 19. desember 2008

Tom Ford - The Man!

Born in Texas in 1962, Tom Ford has become the most influential designer of the last decade.

Tom made his move to the Big Apple as a teenager and enrolled at the NY University, in Art History, before changing to take up Architecture at Parsons School of Design in New York.

In 1986 he joined the creative staff of the famous American designer Cathy Hardwick, and two years later he became the Design Director at Perry Ellis. By 1990 Tom had moved to Milan and joined the team at Gucci, as Women’s Wear Designer. Within two years he’d climbed the corporate ladder to become Gucci’s Creative Director.

After Gucci bought a controlling stake in Yves Saint Laurent, Ford was appointed creative director. Ford says the secret of his success is his energy, and he only sleeps around three hours a night. His celebrity fans include the likes of Madonna, Bianca Jagger and Trudie Styler!

Tom caused a bit of an advertising stir with the promotion for his M7 fragrance. The campaign featured naked model Samuel de Cubber in a full-frontal pose. But as Tom says: "Perfume is worn on the skin, so why hide the body? The M7 campaign is really pure, it’s a very academic nude. I wanted to show a man who represents a natural and relaxed image of male beauty".

Tom also hit the headlines with his sensational Gucci ad, featuring a naked woman whose bikini line has been waxed into the shape of the letter `G`.

In 2004, Ford parted company with Gucci, after a disagreement over his contract.

Tom Ford is now; Tom Ford!

torsdag 18. desember 2008

Recommended x-mas

Get in the mood…

Derek Trucks

The Derek Trucks Band highly anticipated sixth studio album, "Already Free", hits store shelves on 13 January.

Self-produced by Trucks in his home studio in Florida, it represents the band's natural evolution as they move forward integrating influences that span a variety of musical genres. Known for their blues roots, the group takes this album well beyond blues to incorporate the largers sounds of rock and soul.

Trucks said that, "this album was completely organic. We had no expectations. We just came down and started writing. Then one thing led to the next. I had all this time off so I just started calling up friends. And once the process started rolling and once we realized that we were onto something, we were writing tunes and all the sounds we were getting were amazing and it was starting to feel great. It felt like something was happening and we wanted to keep throwing musicians on the fire."

The band consists of Derek Turcks on guitar, Todd Smallie on bass, percussionist Count M'Buto, Yonrico Scott on drums, Kofi Burbridge on keyboards and vocalist Mike Mattison. The band was joined by pals like Doyle Bramhall II, Oteil Burbridge and Trucks' wife, Susan Tedeschi in the studio. Bramhall takes over vocal duties on two songs, "Maybe This Time" and "Our Love."

The first single from the album - a cover of "Down In The Flood" from Bob Dylan and The Band's "The Basement Tapes" was released 4 November. It has almost more relevance now post-Hurricane Katrina than when it was written in 1967. "I think it really turned out to be one of the most powerful tracks on the record. I think lyrically it's pretty timely. Crash on the levee, down in the flood, are so significant post-Katrina. There are some good metaphors, as there are in most Dylan tunes," says Trucks.

"Already Free" reflects all of Trucks' many influences and experiences, and highlights the quintessential Derek Trucks Band sound of mixing soulful vocals and expert guitar playing on what is poised to be the band's definitive album.

onsdag 17. desember 2008

Morten Sangvik

My friend and colleague Morten Sangvik is one of Norway's most impressing authors, copy writers and last but not least dedicated fly fishers I have ever known.

This is one of his pieces from "Magasinet" by Dagbladet, enjoy:
(If you don't know the Norwegian language, to bad for you).

Det er størrelsen det kommer an på

Det var en perfekt kveld. Fjærmyggen danset tango i vannskorpa og det begynte så smått å vake. Kompisen min stilte seg opp på det han mente var drømmeplassen. Jeg skrattet litt i skjegget og gikk bort til den virkelige drømmeplassen.

Det første kastet la jeg rett over et vak som bare var noen sekunder gammelt. Jeg så at det var en liten fisk, men jeg ble ivrig etter å få hull på vannet. Flua drev langsomt over fisken, vippet litt i bølgene, og jeg kjente at alt var som det skulle. Jeg hadde puls i hundre, krum rygg og øynene naglet til flua. Så. Et lite smatt fra vannskorpa. Flua ble borte og der satt’n! Jaggu satt’n, gitt. Der satt’n, ja. Jommen sa jeg smør, det var fisken sin, det. En tass av en tre hundre grams ørret, som jeg tauet inn så lydløst som overhode mulig. Min gode venn på den andre siden måtte ikke se at jeg ledet.

Vi fisket en stund. Jeg fikk to til på samme størrelse, men var ikke helt sikker på at det ville holde til seier. Etter en stund så jeg at han pakket sammen utstyret og kom traskende mot meg. Jeg kastet med livet som innsats for å utytte de siste minuttene. Jeg bad en stille bønn om en fisk over halvkiloen. Og smatt. Der satt den! Jeg kjente adrenalinet i kroppen og seieren i lomma. Etter en liten, men nervepirrende kjøring, lå ørreten omsider på land. En gylden og fin 750 grams gullmedalje. Kompisen klappet.

Da vi la fangsten fram for å oppsummere fikk jeg et stygt slag i ansiktet. Slyngelen hadde fått nøyaktig samme mengde fisk som meg - tre små og en stor. Jeg anslo hans til 740 gram og håpet at han ikke ville begynne å krangle. Vi snakket ikke så mye på hjemturen. Det lå noe anstrengende og uforløst i luften. To menn som begge ville og ikke ville på vekten.

Men det måtte kåres en vinner. Det fikk stå sin prøve, vi kunne ikke skilles i uvisshet.

Jeg skyllet fisken under springen, i håp om å få lurt litt vann ned i buken. Men kompisen min hang over meg som en oppsynsmann. Tallene på vekta viste 732 gram og det var hans tur. Hjertet hamret i brystet og jeg følte meg uvel. Han la den på vekta og oppgjørets time var kommet: 732 gram!

- Sløye?, spurte han.
- Sløye, svarte jeg. Vi sløyet fisken og veide den på nytt.

Da han dro, hørte jeg at han nynnet. På kjøkkenbenken lå drittfisken hans og skulte på meg. Jeg nektet å gi meg. Jeg målte fiskene med tommestokk. Og ja. Det var det jeg visste. Min var en centimeter lengre en hans. Jeg visste det. Jeg visste det hele tida.

Illustration: Gunnlaug Moen

Art + Architecture

Read on…

mandag 1. desember 2008